Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Brescia, Italy

I am always interested in images of beautiful liturgy (reform of the reform or usus antiquior) from Catholic Italy, not only because of the liturgy itself, but also because of the beautiful altars and churches that often complement it. In seeing these things, I personally find that one is brought into clear contact with a strong sense of Catholic culture and tradition, as well as a particularly Roman sensus liturgicus, that can help serve as a foundation for broader liturgical pursuits.

This is not to be a mere aesthete about these things, but beauty is an important element of the sacred liturgy for it is that which can help us draw interiorly into the deeper mysteries of the liturgy, into a prayerful worship of the Holy Trinity, and into a longing for a participation in the heavenly liturgy.

In view of that, I could not help but share these images I came across this evening from Brescia, Italy which Rinascimento Sacro recently posted.

Here are two images from that selection.

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