Continuing our exploration of different musical selections at various parishes this Holy Week, it would be a grave error to overlook the Brompton Oratory with its rich liturgical and choral traditions. The schedule and musical selections for this year's Holy Week and the Triduum are listed below. Note in particular the Vespers, Tenebrae and other liturgies and para-liturgies accompanying the core events of the Triduum, as well as the late-evening time of the Triduum, seldom seen but ultimately closer to the ideal. If any of our English readers could provide us with photographs from this or previous years, we would be greatly in your debt.
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion - March 16
7:00 AM. Mass.
8:00 AM. Mass.
9:00 AM. Mass (1962 Missal).
10:00 am Family Mass (sung English).
11.00 am Solemn Latin Mass (Novus Ordo) - Music: Pueri Hebraeorum, Victoria; Ingrediente Domino, Walter Austin; St. Matthew Passion, Victoria; O Domine Jesu Christe, Victoria; Mass XVII (Sanctus & Agnus), Gregorian chant; Vadam et circuibo, Victoria.
12:30 PM. Mass.
3:30 PM. Solemn Vespers and Benediction - Music: Vexilla Regis, Thomas Wingham; Magnificat Tone 8 à 5, Anonymous; Civitas sancti tui, Byrd.
4:30 PM. Mass.
7:00 PM. Mass.
Wednesday in Holy Week - March 19
6:30 PM. Tenebrae in Cena Domini - Music: Responsories, Victoria; Benedictus Tone 1, Jacob Handl; Christus factus est, Felice Anerio.
Maundy Thursday - March 20
6:30 PM. Solemn Latin Mass (Novus Ordo) - Music: Prelude: Dies sind die heil’gen zehn Gebot (678), Bach; Heiligmesse (Kyrie and Gloria), Haydn; Ubi caritas, Duruflé; Coenantibus illis, Palestrina; Mass XVIII (Sanctus and Agnus), Gregorian chant; O quam suavis, Giovanni Gabrieli; Pange lingua, Palestrina.
Good Friday - March 21
10:00 AM. Tenebrae - Music: Responsories, Victoria; Benedictus Tone 1, Jacob Handl; Christus factus est, Felice Anerio.
12:00 Noon. Stations of the Cross.
3.00 PM. Solemn Liturgy of the Passion (Novus Ordo) - Music: St. John Passion, Byrd; Improperia I & II, Victoria; Crux fidelis, King John of Portugal; Posuerunt super caput ejus, Ceballos; Ne irascaris Domine, Byrd; Adoramus te Christe, Monteverdi; Lamentations I, Tallis.
6:30 PM. Stations of the Cross.
Holy Saturday - March 22
10:00 AM. Tenebrae - Music: Responsories, Victoria; Benedictus Tone 1, Victoria; Christus factus est, Felice Anerio.
9:30 PM. Solemn Vigil, Sacraments of Initiation and First Mass of Easter Day - Music:
Canticles, Oratory Set; Theresienmesse, Haydn; Sicut cervus, Palestrina; Dum transisset sabbatum I, Taverner; Benedictus, Malcolm/Hoban; Prelude and Fugue in G (541), Bach.
Easter Sunday - March 23
7:00 AM. Mass.
8:00 AM. Mass.
9:00 AM. Mass (1962 Missal).
10:00 AM. Family Mass (sung English).
11.00 AM. Solemn Latin Mass (Novus Ordo) - Music: Missa Papae Marcelli, Palestrina. Angelus Domini, Casciolini, Surrexit pastor bonus, Lhéritier; Prelude in C (531), Bach.
12:30 PM. Mass.
3:30 PM. Solemn Vespers & Benediction - Music: Haec dies, Sheppard, Magnificat Tone 3, Robledo. Surrexit pastor bonus, Lassus; Regina caeli, Aichinger; Prelude: Christ lag in Todesbanden
(625), Bach.
4:30 PM. Mass.
7:00 PM. Mass.
(Image credit: Flickr).