NYC and Area ReadersOne of our readers asked for this to be passed along, and I think our New York City area readers would definitely find this of interest:
"...our wedding mass in the extraordinary form (a Missa Cantata) [will be] at 2:30PM this Saturday at Our Saviour's in New York... We would like a big crowd at the wedding mass, so any help you could give would be appreciated. Fr. Rutler will be the celebrant and Aristotle Esguerra will be the cantor."
Sounds like a wonderful event.
ICRSS Novena for their Patronal Feast
"On January 29th, 2008 the Church celebrates the feast of St. Francis de Sales, Doctor of the Universal Church, Bishop, founder of the Visitation Order (of which St. Margaret Mary was a member), patron of Journalists, co-patron of the Diocese of Oakland and of the Institute of Christ the King. In preparation for this joyful event we will pray a novena, starting on the 20th of January and ending on January 28th, after the Mass celebrated in the extraordinary form of the Roman Rite. During the Masses we will receive guest homilists who will teach us about the "Doctor of Charity", who led so many souls to sanctity, so that we may be well prepared for this beautiful feast of our patron. We are especially grateful and honored that His Excellency, Bishop Vigneron, will be with us during Mass on the 23rd of January 2008 at 6:00 pm to preach about ³St. Francis de Sales as co-patron of the Diocese of Oakland². Other priests who will talk in the homilies about St. Francis during this important novena are Fr. R. Schenk O.P., Fr. A. Ramelow O.P., Fr. L. Goode, Fr. W. Young and the Vice-Provincial of the Institute of Christ the King in the United States, Fr. K. Lenhardt. Please come and pray with us to our beloved patron!
The location of this event is St. Margaret Mary Church in Oakland, California, 1219
Excelsior Ave. For further information contact or telephone 510-482-2053.
The Ordo of Le Barroux
One reader sent in a link to the 2008 Ordo that the Monastery of Le Barroux has put together.
Birmingham Oratory changes their Mass time for their ancient Roman liturgy
Cardinal Newman's own oratory is making a time change for the "extraordinary form" / "usus antiquor" / classical Roman liturgy that they have been offering at their church.
Previously the Mass was held in a chapel at midday, but the Mass has now moved back into the main Oratory church, being offered on the high altar at 9:30am on Sundays.
(Photo credit: Matthew Doyle, Lacrimarum Valle)
University of Louisiana
The FSSP recently sent one of their priests to the Diocese of Lafayette, LA. to train several priests to celebrate the "TLM". One of the priestly trainees emailed the NLM to share their first celebration of a low Mass. (Some Video)
Father believes that this form of the Mass hadn't been celebrated in the university campus church since the liturgical changes.
They have been proceeding with some restorations in the church, including a side-altar specifically intended for the usus antiquior.